FinoMark platform statistics

The data on the statistics page is updated every month.
Information updated at 2024-04-01 12:00

Loans issued

8 778 183.15 €

Amount of credit received

3 147 616.39 €

Amount of interest received

705 876.51 €

Weighted average interest rate

11.68 %

Average loan term

28.64 m

Average loan amount

27 346.36 €

Number of loans issued


Number of terminated credits


Percentage of loans terminated

5.32 %

Investor count


LTV ratio

39.28 %

Number of borrowers

Accumulated (total) number of project owners on the platform and number of new project owners each month.

Application rate

Percentage of loans issued out of all applications received

Number of loans by forms of guarantee

A loan can be guaranteed in more than one form.

The number of loans by the amount of collateral forms

The number of loan projects with a specific number of collateral form.

Guarantees of all forms are included - pledges of natural and legal persons, property complexes, etc. In such cases, where the loan is guaranteed by two or more natural / legal persons, it is considered to be guaranteed by different forms of collateral.

Default rate

Percentage of terminated loans compared to the total loans issued

Amount of loans issued by delay

Number of issued loans by delay

Amount of loans issued by FinoMark rating

Number of issued loans by FinoMark rating

Total amount of issued loans

Loan statistics by year of issue
Year 2021 2022 2023 2024
Amount of financed loans, EUR
665 500 € 2 678 000 € 4 251 771 € 1 182 912 €
A 102 000 € 145 000 € 675 702 € 98 346 €
B 453 500 € 1 632 000 € 2 610 569 € 944 566 €
C 110 000 € 901 000 € 965 500 € 140 000 €
Weighted average interest rate, %
11.04% 11.04% 12.08% 10.72%
A 9.29% 10.17% 11.51% 7.36%
B 10.29% 10.88% 12.30% 11.51%
C 13.55% 12.08% 12.42% 13.29%
Overdue principal > 90 days, EUR
140 590 € 320 576 € 177 068 € 0 €
A 0 € 67 036 € 46 527 € 0 €
B 84 145 € 24 742 € 105 170 € 0 €
C 56 445 € 228 798 € 25 371 € 0 €
Overdue principal > 90 days, %
21.13% 11.97% 4.16% 0.00%
A 0.00% 46.23% 6.89% 0.00%
B 18.55% 1.52% 4.03% 0.00%
C 51.31% 25.39% 2.63% 0.00%
Returned principal, EUR
516 178 € 1 640 892 € 968 091 € 20 967 €
A 79 925 € 57 420 € 148 003 € 4 635 €
B 367 901 € 1 063 321 € 617 235 € 14 198 €
C 68 352 € 520 151 € 202 853 € 2 134 €
Returned principal, %
77.56% 61.27% 22.77% 1.77%
A 78.36% 39.60% 21.90% 4.71%
B 81.12% 65.15% 23.64% 1.50%
C 62.14% 57.73% 21.01% 1.52%
Total amount of all issued projects (loans)

Number of investors

Accumulated (total) number of investors on the platform and number of new investors joined each month.

Interest rate

Unweighted (the amount of the issued loan is not taken into account) average interest rates on projects issued per month.

Total interest received

The total amount of interest received by all investors

Total investors portfolio size

Total amount of all investors‘ portfolios.
Please keep in mind all translations are provided by Google Translate service.